Here is a straight forward implementation for panning and zooming in a paper.js drawing. Try it: shift-mousewheel moves the box around, alt-mousewheel zooms in and out.

Now try to zoom in on the circle — the circle moves away from the mouse pointer. You would expect the drawing to zoom in around your mouse pointer, as is shown in the stable zoom example below.

By default, paper.js zooms in around the center of the view. The initial view center is marked by the small square. When you pan around the center of the view changes, try zooming in and out after panning.

The simple implementation works like this: get the mousewheel movements from the jQuery Mouse Wheel Plugin. Then use = (x,y) to move around, and paper.view.zoom = z to zoom in and out (see the paper.js docs for View.zoom and

By the way: this post shows coffeescript code, mixed with explanations and working examples such as the one above. It was generated from a single coffeescript input file with docco. I’ll explain in detail how this works in a forthcoming blog post.

Simple Panning and Zooming

define ['paper', 'jquery-mousewheel'], (paper) ->  # package as a RequireJS module

A simple implementation of pan and zoom: just change the zoom factor or the view center.

  class SimplePanAndZoom

The zoom and pan logic is extracted into functions that produce the new zoom (or center) given the old zoom (or center) and mouse wheel deltas.

Compute the new zoom factor from the old zoom factor and some delta that is given to us by the mousewheel plugin.

    changeZoom: (oldZoom, delta) ->
      factor = 1.05
      if delta < 0
        return oldZoom * factor
      if delta > 0
        return oldZoom / factor

Compute the new center from old center and the delta given by the mousewheel plugin.

    changeCenter: (oldCenter, deltaX, deltaY, factor) ->
      offset = new paper.Point deltaX, -deltaY
      offset = offset.multiply factor
      oldCenter.add offset

Example 1

Here is the code that produces the example above. Feel free to skip ahead to the stable zoom.

Draw a grid with major and minor lines

  drawGrid = (width, height) ->
    new paper.Path.Rectangle from: [0, 0], to: [width, height], fillColor: 'white'

Style: thick major grid lines, thin minor lines

    lineStyle = (coord) ->
      if coord % 50 == 0
        {strokeColor: 'lightblue', strokeWidth: 2}
        {strokeColor: 'lightblue', strokeWidth: 1}

Draw vertical lines

    for x in [0..width] by 10
      line = new paper.Path.Line segments: [[x, 0], [x, height]]
      line.set lineStyle(x)

Draw horizontal lines

    for y in [0..height] by 10
      line = new paper.Path.Line segments: [[0, y], [width, y]]
      line.set lineStyle(y)

  example1 = (canvasID) ->

Setup the paper object

    canvas = document.getElementById(canvasID)
    paper.setup canvas

Remember the current view so we can access it in event handlers.

    view = paper.view

Create a grid and a circle.

    width = 600
    height = 300
    drawGrid width, height
    new paper.Path.Circle center: [100, 100], radius: 20, fillColor: 'green'
    box = new paper.Path.Rectangle from: [0,0], to: [10,10], fillColor: 'gray'
    box.position =

Use a SimplePanAndZoom to translate from mouse events to changes in the view.

    panAndZoom = new SimplePanAndZoom()

We use the jquery-mousewheel plugin to get the events.

    $("##{canvasID}").mousewheel (event) ->
      if event.shiftKey = panAndZoom.changeCenter, event.deltaX, event.deltaY, event.deltaFactor
      else if event.altKey
        view.zoom = panAndZoom.changeZoom view.zoom, event.deltaY

When using paper.js from javascript directly, you have to call view.draw() to draw the scene.


Stable Zoom

Try zooming in on the circle (again shift-mousewheel moves the box around, alt-mousewheel zooms in and out). The drawing zooms in around your mouse pointer.

Let’s derive the formula for this systematically. The default paper.js zoom has the view’s center as a fixed point. Write the default zoom transform as some function $Z$ and call the view’s center point $c$. Then we have $$Z(c) = c$$ We want to apply the default zoom and then correct it by a translation that makes sure the point under the mouse $p$ stays where it is. We are looking for a translation vector $a$ such that $$Z(p) + a = p$$ This means that the correction has to be $a = p - Z(p)$.

How do we get a formula for the default zoom transform $Z$? It is a scaling that has the view center $c$ as a fixed point. This can be done by shifting $c$ to the origin, then scaling by a factor $\beta$ then shifting back to $c$: $$Z(x) = \beta \cdot (x - c) + c$$ You can check that indeed $Z(c) = c$.

With that our correction becomes $$a = p - Z(p) = p - \beta \cdot (p - c) - c$$

Make a subclass of SimplePanAndZoom for stable zooming.

  class StableZoom extends SimplePanAndZoom

Compute the new zoom factor such that a given fixedPoint $p$ is unchanged. oldZoom is the current zoom factor, delta gives how much the mousewheel was turned $c$ is the old view center. We use the paper.js methods for computing with points (vectors).

    changeZoom: (oldZoom, delta, c, p) ->
      newZoom = super oldZoom, delta
      beta = oldZoom / newZoom
      pc = p.subtract c
      a = p.subtract(pc.multiply(beta)).subtract c
      [newZoom, a]

Example 2

  example2 = (canvasID) ->

Setup the paper object

    canvas = document.getElementById(canvasID)
    paper.setup canvas

Remember the current view so we can access it in event handlers.

    view = paper.view

Create a grid and a circle.

    width = 600
    height = 300
    drawGrid width, height
    new paper.Path.Circle center: [100, 100], radius: 20, fillColor: 'teal'

Use a StableZoom to translate from mouse events to changes in the view.

    panAndZoom = new StableZoom()

We use the jquery-mousewheel plugin to get the events.

    $("##{canvasID}").mousewheel (event) ->
      if event.shiftKey = panAndZoom.changeCenter, event.deltaX, event.deltaY, event.deltaFactor
      else if event.altKey
        mousePosition = new paper.Point event.offsetX, event.offsetY

We use viewToProject(), an undocumented paper.js function that converts mouse coordinates to project coordinates. When you use the paper.js event handling this conversion is already done for you.

        viewPosition = view.viewToProject(mousePosition)
        [newZoom, offset] = panAndZoom.changeZoom view.zoom, event.deltaY,, viewPosition
        view.zoom = newZoom = offset

When using paper.js from javascript directly, you have to call view.draw() to draw the scene.


Finally, make the examples available via RequireJS.

  {example1: example1, example2: example2}